Can I automate tracking a docket with the Docket Alert feature?

In the prior post you learned how to rename a casefolder. In this post, we'll cover how to automate tracking a case with docket alerts.

Docket Alerts are a tool to help automatically track bankruptcy dockets from PACER.

We automate the retrieval of docket information and then providing that information to you in a format of your choice.

You can automatically track critical events for bankruptcy cases by setting dockets alerts. Docket alerts will check PACER and automatically update the docket and if desired email you new entries. You can configure docket alerts for a number of situations. You can set hourly to weekly intervals to have Inforuptcy update the docket from PACER, and you can set keywords to receive an email when a docket entry is matched to your keywords.

  1. To setup docket alerts, follow these steps:
  2. Click on the "Docket Alerts" tab.
  3. Click on the "Off" button to turn it "On"
  4. Choose your frequency and starting time from the dropdowns. Choose carefully because you will incur the PACER pass through charge on your account. In most cases that is 10 to 30 cents each time.
  5. Then click the "Set" button.
  6. Choose whether you want to be sent email of new docket entries or not (from the radio buttons shown below).
  7. To turn it off, just click the "On" switch to "Off".



In our next post, we'll cover how to use our advanced search tool, to search tool to search across cases and create search alerts.


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